Thursday 23 September 2010

Machete Part 1

A few years ago I saw Grindhouse, comprising of the woeful Death Proof, and the highly enjoyable, icky fun on Planet Terror.

It was shown as an "homage", to 70's exploitation cinema with both films playing back to back with fake trailers in between. No one got this though and it bombed at the box office with each film eventually being given its own release. To be honest you knew there was something wrong with Death Proof when Mickey Rourke walked out on it, this was all pre The Wrestler and his second coming of course.

Now the director of Planet Terror, Robert Rodriguez has made one of those trailers from the original Grindhouse double bill into a full film, mainly thanks to the internet, well done internet!

Here's the original trailer from Grindhouse;

Looks like a good laugh right?

Anyway today I saw it appear on the pirate bay and its currently making its way to my hard drive, after watching it I will of course review, here's hoping it lives up to expectations. And if its good, I'll be crossing my fingers that RR gives us a prequel to Planet Terror all about its enigmatic protagonist El Wray too, anyone who's that cool with a knife deserves a film in my book.

Oh and for those of you interested my out of 10 ratings for the original Grindhouse films were

Planet Terror - 7 out of 10 - good, sleazy exploitation film, I have a soft spot for Zombie films, and while this is no Dawn of the Dead or 28 Days Later, it is still highly enjoyable popcorn fodder

Death Proof - 3 out of 10 - Why Quentin, why? You're slightly redeemed after Inglorious Basterds, even though that was ridiculously baggy and undisciplined, this was just woeful though. Not everyone in the world talks like you, you being that embarrassing Uncle who dances like a pillock at weddings and tells you how cool he used to be 20 years ago and still wears leather jackets. Whatever, never make anything like this again.

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