Wednesday 22 September 2010

Well Hello There

With a lot of spare time on my hands after Uni, when not looking for work I'm generally at the gym or consuming films and television like there's no tomorrow. As a sort of personal project during my endless leisure time I'm going to start writing reviews of the stuff I watch, primarily for myself, I'll be shocked if this blog gets a single follower as there is nothing particularly up to date or new about it. 

Also various friends tell me I should think about going into journalism/criticism, glad I did that law degree now. Yeah I know what you're thinking, on the X factor the cretins are usually encouraged into their indecipherable drawl by friends and family too, but I have taken an interest in films for several years now, and lacking any actual creative capacity, I thought I'd take on the role of armchair critic. And to be fair I am usually on the money with this sort of stuff, I listen to ridiculous amounts of cultural review and criticism thanks to the wonderful BBC and the delights of Radio 4, podcasting is brilliant. Don't worry though, I won't go into podcasting, I think my voice is probably a tad too nasally for that anyway.

In the end though, its just something I wanted to do

My favourite film reviewers are Mark Kermode, Roger Ebert, Sukhdev Sandhu, Phillip French and Mark Lawson (if he counts), so there may be overlaps between what I say and what they say

Anyway for a general feel of my tastes my top 5 films of all time are 

  1. The Godfather
  2. There Will Be Blood
  3. Citizen Kane
  4. Apocalypse Now (not Redux, If you're listening Coppola, redux is an abortion of a film)
  5. Taxi Driver

And my favourite TV show of all time is The Wire, Lost is probably the worst, perhaps the worst ending to a series I've ever seen, as the peerless Charlie Brooker said years ago, it truly is arbitrary nonsense.

Why does it have 4 toes? How come there's a gigantic statue on mystery frigging island?  Who Built it? Guess what, you never find out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Anyway I watched Gran Tarino last night so expect a review of that soon

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